Fringe Season 2 Episode 8:Watch August Online S02E08
Fringe Season 2 Episode 8:Watch August Online S02E08 – Fringe Season 2 Episode 8 titled “August” aired last night on FOX.The episode was directed by Brad Anderson and written by J.H. Wyman & Jeff Pinkner.It was a solid episode,too bad we did not have much Walter in it.In all fairness,it was probably one of the best episodes of this season,because it elevated the characters and some questions were answered.Here is a brief presentation of the episode.
When a peculiar abduction occurs in Boston, the Fringe team uncovers details of the mysterious man known as The Observer. While the bizarre case takes center stage, Walter, Peter and Astrid hit the lab to analyze unusual evidence and deal with Walter’s insatiable appetite for a milkshake.